How to Feel Better in Your Space Right Now

Interior design is so much about how a space makes us feel. Obviously the aesthetic is important, but when we’re dreaming of our interior design goals, it’s those feelings that we’re going after…

…the feelings of rest and calm in the master bedroom, of being able to unwind and connect with our family in the living room, of being able to be productive and happy in your home office…

It can be very easy to get caught in a space of feeling stuck in your current surroundings until you’re ready to invest some money into the design. However, those feelings of “stuck” just contribute to more unhappiness, both in ourselves and in the space.

I want you to feel good in your space NOW.

Before the renovation.

Before you buy new throw pillows.

Before the kids have grown out of their destructive phase.

So here are a few ways that you can improve the mood in your space with very little, or no, money!

#1 De-Clutter

This is my number one tip and the one that so easily throws off a room and makes us feel icky about the space. It’s so easy to accumulate clutter in our homes, whether it be the mail, kids toys, Amazon boxes, car keys, coats and shoes, etc. Take some time to survey your house or room and figure out what can be put away, thrown away or organized.

#2 Clean

This one may seem a bit obvious, but it’s amazing how quickly that rug accumulates dog hair or the mantle accumulates dust and how much you don’t notice it until it’s gone! A quick vacuuming or dusting can make your space feel fresh again.

#3 Bring in a Plant or Flowers

Adding greenery in your home is always a great idea. It helps harmonize a room by bringing natural, organic elements indoors. Plus, plants tend to be really grounding and beneficial for humans (not to mention they give us air!). I try to buy fresh flowers weekly, as having them in my home makes me feel so good every time I look at them.

#4 Rearrange Your Furniture

Sometimes we just need a fresh perspective, you know? Rearranging your furniture can completely change the vibe of your space and give it a fresh, new feeling. You can even swap furniture from other rooms.

#5 Light a Candle or Diffuse Your Favorite Scents

We’ve all heard that smell is the strongest human sense, right? Often we associate certain scents with very particular memories. So how can you use this to your advantage in your home? Well, if you’re looking to achieve a spa-like zen, maybe you use scents like lavender and eucalyptus that you might associate with a high-end spa. Or if you want your house to feel clean and airy, maybe you lean towards lighter scents like citrus. Some 5-star hotels even use branded candles that you can buy to recreate a luxury vibe in your own home. A good smelling home alone can positively influence our mindset, but having the ability to create the feeling you’re looking for through scent is also an added bonus!

#6 Take Out the Trash

Huh? Believe it or not, this can make a space feel much better. This is true of any trash, but especially if the trash can is out in the open, like in a home office or bathroom. Your mind registers the full trash bin as clutter and the space starts to feel less than ideal.

#7 Fluff Pillows

I’m always surprised how much different my living room feels when the pillows have been fluffed and displayed, rather than just thrown on the couch. Taking an extra couple seconds to do this can change how you feel when you walk in the room.

#8 Let the Light In!

Open up those curtains and blinds, and let as much natural light in as possible! For an added bonus, open up the windows to get that fresh breeze while you’re at it. Both the fresh air and the light can make a hugely positive impact on our moods and make the space feel bigger and brighter.

Jenna Luchau

Jenna Luchau is dedicated to helping online entrepreneurs and business owners create a successful online presence. Having spent nearly a decade in internet marketing, she wanted to take the expertise and knowledge she’s gained and make it accessible to those who need it most.

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